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Wednesday 3 April 2013

Homemade Granola

Granola is the perfect breakfast or even just a mid day snack, but I'm so wary of buying ready made, store brought ones. Mainly because I worry that whilst I think I'm being super healthy, I'm actually consuming a truck load of salt and sugar and probably yucky preservatives (I mean if I'm gonna eat all that crap it might as well be in a Snickers bar), and I thought how hard can it be to make your own?! Not hard at all! This took like 4 minutes to make and then 25minutes in the oven - and the smell in my house made me want to rename myself Martha.

Now I'd be totally lying if I said I used exact measurements of the ingredients below. I knew I wanted to make enough to last a while (as in the jar it should last at least a month) so I just used used enough oats accordingly.


Jumbo Oats or Rolled Oats
Almonds, Hazelnuts, seeds (Any nuts you prefer)
Raisins  & Sultanas 
Coconut flakes 

Coconut oil
Agave Nectar
Cacao Nibs

Preheat the oven at 250C and line a tray with foil.

This is super duper simple. I mixed the first 5 listed in a big bowl, adding more or less of each due to preference, for example, I'm not crazy about raisins so I only added a small amount. Then you heat two teaspoons of coconut oil in the microwave, add a little water and pour into the mixture. I then added 2-3 tablespoons of agave nectar. I didn't want my granola to be too sweet but you need to add enough in order to make the oats stick. Sprinkle a pinch (or more if you like) of cinnamon before pouring the entire mixture onto the baking tray and pop in the oven for 15 mintes.

Take the tray out to turn the oats over periodically, adding a few cacao nibs in the final stages. Cook until the granola is a dry and golden brown colour all over. Leave to cool for 10 minutes and the serve.

As you can see I have stored mine in an empty jam jar, this is not only a great way to preserve food but also looks really pretty in the kitchen.


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